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- Timestamp:
Jul 30, 2013, 2:38:08 PM (11 years ago)
- Author:
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18 | 18 | The package consists of the following components. |
19 | 19 | 1. C++ implementation of the models described above. For more details, please refer to the [[API|API description]]. |
20 | | 1. A program (`ElegentDistributionSampler`) to build a number of distributions of interest (differential and cumulative cross-sections, etc.) at a given collision energy. The output is a ROOT file called ''datasheet'' (for details, please refer to the [[DatasheetStructure|datasheet description]]). |
| 20 | 1. A program (`ElegentTDistributionSampler`) to build a number of distributions of interest (differential and cumulative cross-sections, etc.) at a given collision energy. The output is a ROOT file called ''datasheet'' (for details, please refer to the [[DatasheetStructure|datasheet description]]). |
21 | 21 | 1. A class (`Generator`) that loads a specified cumulative distribution function from a datasheet and generates random events in the HepMC format. This class can easily be embedded in any program. As an example, you can have a look at the `TestElegent` program. |
22 | 22 | |
… |
… |
39 | 39 | |
40 | 40 | |
41 | | === Generation of datasheets === |
| 41 | === Sampling t- and b-distributions === |
42 | 42 | |
43 | | NB: you might want to skip this step as there are ready-made datasheets available for [[|download]]. |
| 43 | NB: you might want to skip this step as there are ready-made distribution files available for [[|download]]. |
44 | 44 | |
45 | 45 | Run |
46 | 46 | {{{ |
47 | | bin/ElegentDistributionSampler -h |
| 47 | bin/ElegentTDistributionSampler -h |
| 48 | bin/ElegentBDistributionSampler -h |
48 | 49 | }}} |
49 | | to get help on running this program. Alternatively, look in [[source:/trunk/scripts/generate_datasheets]] for a usage example. |
| 50 | to get help on running these programs. Alternatively, look in [[source:/trunk/scripts/generate_t_disbributions]] or [[source:/trunk/scripts/generate_b_disbributions]] for a usage example. |
50 | 51 | |
51 | 52 | |
52 | 53 | === Testing the event generator === |
53 | 54 | |
54 | | The `Generator` class and a datasheet can be tested with program `bin/ElegentTest`, which would print the generated HepMC events on screen. Run |
| 55 | The `Generator` class and a t-distribution ROOT file can be tested with program `bin/ElegentTest`, which would print the generated HepMC events on screen. Run |
55 | 56 | {{{ |
56 | 57 | bin/ElegentTest -h |