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Version 5 (modified by jkaspar, 11 years ago) (diff)


Description of model API

Here we describe the aplication interface of classes that form the libElegent library.


The class Constants encapsulates physics and mathematical constants (e.g. proton mass, Euler’s constants) as well as process description (e.g. pp or app mode, centre-of-mass energy). The constants are set up by the static Init method which creates an instance of the class referenced by the global pointer cnts.

Hadronic models

All models of hadronic interactions are implemented as classes inheriting from the Model class. If the model exists in several variants or versions, or if its amplitude can be calculated in several modes, the user can make a choice via the Configure method. Afterwards, the Init method shall be used to initialize model parameters and perform (potentially) time-expensive initialisations (e.g. pre-sampling).

The scattering amplitude (in t-space) and profile function (amplitude in b-space) can be caluculated by Amp(t) and Prf(b) methods respectively. For details (normalisation etc.) see the journal publication linked from the home page.

Coulomb and Coulomb-interference

Generator class